Marzo de 2020

Fallecimiento de D. Carmelo Sanchez Salvador

Accionista de nuestra empresa y hermano del fundador D. Pedro Sánchez Salvador,
falleció en Zaragoza el día 25 de Marzo de 2020, a los 79 años de edad habiendo recibido los Santos Sacramentos. Descanse en paz.

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Marzo de 2020


Nuestro horario de atención comercial será de 8:00 h a 15:00 h de lunes a viernes.

Tienda abierta al público: de 8:15 h. a 14:30 h. (sin medición de muestras).  In you can find the best replcia watches at affordable prices. Submariner and other models available

At you can find the best replcia watches at affordable prices. Submariner and other models available

Do you want buy uk best fake Rolex ï¼ŸWelcome come to our

Top Grade Swiss and Japanese AAA++ Replica Watches with 3 years Extended Warranty and Free Shipping Worldwide combined with world class customer support over chats, phone calls and emails.

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Marzo de 2020

Cincomarzada 2020

Os informamos que estaremos cerrados los días 5 y 6 de marzo por fiesta local.

Podéis mandar vuestras consultas y pedidos al correo: is a good choice to buy fake watches! is a totally different kind of fake watches website. It is a store that knows how to be a true professional, provide high quality replicas for extremely high prices.

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Enero de 2020

Jornada Anual de la Responsabilidad Social en Aragon 2019

RSA 2020

Nuestra empresa obtuvo el sello de Responsabilidad Social de Aragón RSA 2020.

Replica watches sold on this site are made from premium materials, and in some cases, you can even choose which movement you prefer. That impacts the price, so if you find a watch a bit too expensive for your budget, you can always just go with a cheaper movement - Buy Now

Another site I have to mention here is They sell really good replicas of luxury watches and for reasonable prices. What actually impressed me the most about this site is that their Submariner replica is so good that even its power reserve is exactly what it is on the original what Ä»C a whooping 72 hours. ThatĄŊs really hard to pull off, and even established manufacturers that sell their watches for hundreds and thousands of dollars canĄŊt achieve that.

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Diciembre de 2019


Les deseamos unas muy felices Navidades y un próspero año nuevo 2020.

Estaremos de vuelta los días 26 y 27 de diciembre. FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!!

High-quality fake watch at low prices! Welcome to our website is another trusted watch replica site praised by forums in the know. They do replicas of all the exclusive brands like Richard Mille, Patek Philip, Tag Heuer, etc., and they offer a lot of quality control photos for each of their watches. Their replicas are very detailed and well made, with premium materials like titanium, sapphire crystal, and high-end stainless steel.

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